Common Concerns & Safety Issues

Stalking of pets and other animals, territorial behavior towards homeowner, and disturbance of property.      
Limit the transferral of rabies to livestock, pets, and other people.  

Customers & Locations

Athletic Fields
Golf Courses
Lake Front Properties
Private Communities
Industrial Sites
Business Parks
County Governments

Professional Solutions

  • Program design
  • Population control
  • Capture using foothold traps and snare cables.  
  • Clear brushpiles or any form of cover.

Understanding the

Grouping Carnivore
Nicknames Bushytail, @#$%^&*!
Best Known For Their vibrant red coat, thick bushy tail with white tip, and pouncing on field mice.  
Life Span 3 to 5 years.
Mating Season January and February.
Reproductive Details After a 51 day gestation period 4 to 10 pups are born with 6 pups the average. Each year a breeding pair raises one litter together but do not mate for life.
Dispersal Dispersal occurs from September to January. After the first year foxes leave to establish their own territories.  
Habitat Foxes can be found in open meadows, small woodlots, edge areas such as fence rows and neighborhood boundaries. Life is good the suburbs!  
Activity Cycle Typically nocturnal, but during "pup rearing season" both parents work 24/7 in order to provide enough food to feed hungry pups with shollow legs. Fox activity during the day is not necessarily a cause for concern through the summer when raising young. Foxes that appear healthy and react normally (i.e. run when chased or yelled at) should not be regarded as a threat.
Food Foxes are opportunists and frequent visitors to wild game or free range farm operations. Dinner plates consists of mice, rats, rabbits, woodchucks, opossums, domestic cats (yes, your cat is on the menu), chickens, insects, squirrels, game birds, songbirds, bird eggs, fruits and grasses. Will also scavenge on road-killed animals and winterkills. Uneaten food may be stored by burying it in loose earth. Known to be frequent visitors to wild game and free range farm operations.
Damage Signs Damage signs include missing chickens, ducks, and pheasants. Fences will also appear to have been dug under.  
Treatment Problem fox are most effectively captured with foothold traps and snare cables. Box or cage traps are often ineffective on adults.
Risk and Disease Although they pose little risk to humans, small pets can be in danger because they are opportunists. A fox with rabies can transmit the disease to humans, pets, livestock and other animals. Foxes that appear disconnected, unaware, aggressive, unresponsive and threatening should be regarded with extreme caution and professional help sought. Foxes with mange (skin burrowing mite) begin losing their hair, scratch furiously and scab over resulting in a long slow death. It is transmittable to other fox and domestic dogs. Foxes in a weakened state, due to disease or injuries, may not respond to human stimuli, will tolerate a greater level of human activity, and will seek out the easiest possible meals, including unattended cat and dog dishes. These same foxes will readily take shelter in barns, sheds, and under porches.
Dens Den sites include abandoned groundhog holes, in rock piles, under concrete slabs, decks and sheds. Den sites are often littered with bones, animal parts, and fecal matter and are heavily tracked. The mouth of a den is the size of a basketball.

Integrated Wildlife Management is our comprehensive and effective one-stop solution. This approach brings together the six necessary elements to successfully resolve wildlife / human conflicts and when possible, safely relocate wildlife to a more suitable habitat.